5 Body Care Must-Dos

Though all of us are different and our skins have different needs, when it comes to body care, some things are the same for everyone. To get that healthy, beautiful, flawless skin, the following 5 are absolute essentials:


Quick and refreshing showers are a part of our everyday routine, so much so that many ladies don’t put enough thought into what kind of body wash they are using. Yet, we are talking about a product you apply to your whole body EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!

Sure, the primary purpose of a body wash is to cleanse your skin, remove all the grime, sweat and bacteria and prepare the skin for the next products. However, body washes can often be drying and irritating to the skin. It pays off to take your time and find a product that is quality, refreshing, restoring, and if not exactly moisturizing, at least not drying.


This one is more a must for your mental state than your skin :) With the right nourishing ingredients, your bath can multitask and give you beautiful skin, detoxify your body and help you destress.

Whether you throw in colloidal oatmeal, Epsom salt, bath oils or bath bombs. Taking some time just for yourself and enjoying a relaxing experience is an important ritual we should all indulge from time to time. It ultimately reflects on your health and looks.



Body scrubs are products that have a rough texture that allows them to slough off the dead skin and everything that shouldn’t be there. Their small but powerful grains remove dead skin cells, dry, dull skin patches and excess oil.

Though body scrubs can be a bit rougher than face scrubs, they should still be gentle enough, so that they don’t damage your skin. Ideally, you should get a scrub that, other than exfoliating, also has nourishing properties. Sea salt scrubs are usually better in detoxifying the skin, while sugar scrubs restore and rejuvenate.

If you are looking for a body scrub, check out Flora’s Angels’ moisturizing body scrubs. Not only do they exfoliate your skin, but with nutrient-heavy ingredients like coconut oil, vitamin E and aloe vera, the results will leave your skin glowing!


In order to function properly, our skin needs water, and in order to get and retain the water, it needs some help in form of body butters, oils and lotions. Do you know all the benefits of moisturizers? They soften the skin, make it smooth, supple and youthful, they heal, rejuvenate, help repair collagen and elastin… should we go on?!

Try one of Flora’s Angels body butters or body oils to keep your skin moisturized. We recommend our Lavender Body Butter this winter.


Not many of us are thrilled when we have to hit the gym. But, there’s no doubt how beneficial exercise is. It keeps you healthy and strong. Helps with maintaining your weight. Tones and shapes your muscles. Tightens the skin. And keeps you in a good mental state.

All in all, it makes you look and feel good, and it doesn’t even need to be very hard. Realistically, most of us don’t need to spend two hours on a treadmill. Just find an activity you enjoy, whether it be swimming, tennis, riding a bike, yoga or outdoor working out in pairs.