7 Beauty Trends of 2021

2021 Beauty Trends – Here’s what You’ll Be Seeing A Lot of This Year

If there’s anything we can take from 2020, it would be that it taught us that planning too much ahead is a bit overrated. But, there’s always something new going on in the beauty industry and some of the future trends had started to take form.

Some of them are just continuations of trends started in the year behind us. Others are doing their best to adjust to the new global situation and use it in the best way possible, no giving up.

So, here are the 7 beauty trends we can expect to see a lot more of in 2021...

  1. Skincare Over Makeup

Bye, bye contouring and heavy foundations. At least that’s what experts and influencers expect. 

Maybe because we still don’t know how much time we’ll be able to spend outside of our homes. Maybe because covering half of our faces with masks seems to be not going anywhere anytime soon. But everyone seems to predict that most people will be focusing on skincare and trying to achieve that natural dewy glow.

And once you get that, why would you want to cover it with tones of makeup? Lighter coverage, tinted moisturizers and lightweight foundations will probably be most girls’ first choice in 2021.

  1. Clean Skincare

Another nice change for us skincare lovers – people are finally starting to pay more and more attention to what their cosmetics contain. Sustainability and ingredient transparency will be as important as the end result a product can achieve.

This is a trend that has been slowly developing over the past few years and it recently started to take over the whole world. No one wants to wonder anymore how many toxic chemicals are going on their skin every single day.

  1. Skinimalism

At the beginning of the pandemic, we were trying to apply every single sheet mask we had one after another. But the more time is passing, the more women are embracing minimal routines, slow beauty and multitasking products. 

The goal is to achieve more with fewer steps. DIY masks and scrubs are also gaining in popularity again.

  1. Blue Light Protection

Staying more at home may mean less sun, but it also means we spend a lot more time in front of our TVs, computers and smartphone screens. And what this blue light does to our skin is that it causes free radical damage which speeds up the aging process and accelerates the formation of dark spots, wrinkles and fine lines.

As a result, there will be more and more products on the market specifically designed to prevent blue-light damage. Most experts agree that these products work best in combination with good old sunscreen.

  1. Colorful Eye Makeup

Another result of having the bottom halves of our faces covered all the time. Everyone will be paying more attention to their eye makeup than to lips and contouring.

And what seems to be trending are very cheerful and colorful combinations. So, you can expect to see a lot of experimental eye makeup - bright eyeliners, colorful cat eyes, metallic eyeshadows, colored mascaras, bold combinations and lots of colors.

And of course – eyebrows done to perfection will be a must.

  1. Messy, Tousled Hair Styles

Low maintenance is the key. Natural curls, messy buns, ponytails and creative braids can look so amazing and most of them don’t require much time once you perfect them.

Plus, we hated spending all that time ironing and curling our hairs back when it made more sense. Why would we do it now (and continue to damage the hair in the process) when it is so easy to fake an amazing hairstyle with a few well-selected hair accessories?

  1. Personalized Skincare

Another trend that has been going on for a while now and that will probably reach its peak in the year ahead of us - customizable skin care brands that allow you to personalize your products according to your taste and your skin’s individual needs.

The idea behind this is actually very simple but kind of genius. Since we all know skincare is not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing, these brands provide guidance for you to find your own best regimens and custom cosmetic formulations.

And how cool is that?