Benefits of Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium oil is a natural oil extracted from geranium flowers and other scented plants. Geranium oil has a long history of use in various health products and as a perfume ingredient. The use of geranium oil has increased recently due to research that found it to exhibit anti-cancer properties. The pleasant, floral odor of geranium oil makes it a popular perfume and body care ingredient.

Did you know that geranium oil is not just used in smelling good? It is also great for your body. Here are the best benefits of geranium oil and why you should keep it as a skincare essential. 


Helps improve the symptoms of Dermatitis, Acne, and other inflammatory skin conditions

Geranium essential oil is antimicrobial, antibacterial, and has antiseptic properties, making it beneficial for skin irritation, skin infections, and reducing acne breakouts. 

It is also known to help reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process for wounds and rashes

Helps improve the look and feel of your skin

Geranium oil can be used to help keep your skin looking young and healthy by improving circulation and reducing inflammation. The oil also helps to increase the production of collagen in your skin, which makes it firmer and more elastic.


Geranium oil naturally helps to firm up facial skin, and it is used dermatologically to diminish the appearance of wrinkles. Because it naturally tightens skin without reducing moisture and suppleness, it minimizes many common signs of aging skin. 


Calming, soothing, and a stress reliever!

Geranium oil is useful for stress relief because it has a calming effect on the nervous system, allowing you to relax more easily. It has been shown to reduce cortisol levels in the body, which helps relieve stress. Cortisol is a hormone that's released when we're under stress or experiencing anxiety, and high levels of it can lead to a number of health problems including depression, weight gain, and diabetes.

Many of us are looking for safe and natural alternatives to skin care products that can help our skin, and geranium is an excellent choice. The benefits of this oil are numerous, but the best part is that it has no known side effects. If you're interested in using it as part of a skincare regimen, this is an option that you should definitely consider.