Brighten Up - 5 Ways to Treat Hyperpigmentation

When most people see the word ‘hyperpigmentation,’ it may come off as something a lot more serious than it is. It’s a (usually) harmless condition where the skin darkens in certain spots or even all over the body. Though it’s very natural, it can still cause discomfort to see for those who suffer from it. So, here are a few tips to help with those not-so-flattering marks.

  1. Leave those scars ALONE!

    Sure, it can be tempting to pick at those acne scars but this only leads to darker spots. That damaged skin can worsen and cause a delay on new cell turnover for healing. Don’t pick, TREAT with the appropriate regimen. What’s appropriate? We’re getting there.

  2. Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate!

    Remember when we just talked about new cells? So what happens to the old cells? That’s where exfoliation comes in. We have to (gently) scrub off those old cells and make way for the new ones. Think of it like cutting off dead/split ends to allow for new and healthier hair growth. Natural scrubs like brown sugar and olive oil, exfoliating gloves and towels, and even dry brushing can help with this step.

  3. H&M: Hydration and Moisturization

    After the skin has undergone the scrubs and rubs, it’s time to bring it back to normal.  This is done via moisturization and hydration with your favorite products AND a healthy diet. All the best moisturizing lotions and butters won’t mean a thing without the right meals and drinking lots of water.  Your body has to be nourished from the inside out, so eat those leafy greens, other fresh veggies and fruit, some types of fish, etc. Do a bit of research that caters to your dietary needs.

  4. SPF and You

    Most people don’t know that you are supposed to have sunscreen in your daily skin regimen. Yes, even on cloudy days. When you’re protecting your skin, you’re reducing the chance for further hyperpigmentation. It doesn’t hurt that you’ll prevent the signs of aging and lower your risk of skin cancer too. Your skin should be covered with an SPF of at least 30, but higher if possible.

  5. No Place Like Home

    Who doesn’t love a good home remedy? There are various home remedies all over the Internet to tackle hyperpigmentation, but we narrowed down the most likely to be effective. Aloe vera is a popular one as it contains aloin, which is a natural depigmenting compound proven to brighten the skin and work against hyperpigmentation naturally. Milk, honey, yogurt, and apple cider vinegar have also been regarded as common ingredients in the road to brighter skin as well.

Bonus Tip: VITAMIN C!

Vitamin C is a great beauty vitamin for brightening up the skin.  The amazingly powerful antioxidant activity of Vitamin C will reduce the enzyme tyrosinase, which prevents melanin production. This may cause some skin irritation once applied on the skin, so please do a small patch test first (with this and ANY new product for your skin).

With these tips, there should definitely be some progress on those spots clearing up. Patience, however, is key because the process can take weeks or longer, depending on the severity of the hyperpigmentation and the consistency of the measures taken.